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New Patient Forms

We require completion of patient forms prior to your office visit.


Kindly fill out and sign the Podiatry New Patient Form, Release and Assignment, Privacy Practices Acknowledgement Form, and Consent for Treatment.  Additionally, please provide us with front and back copies of your primary and secondary insurance card(s).



You may return the completed Forms by any one of the following methods:

  • Electronically submit your forms to us (fastest way)Link




  • Return the Forms by mail to:


Dr. Kamran D. Farahani

6929 N. Hayden Rd.

Suite C4-309

Scottsdale, AZ 85250




  • Fax the Forms to: (480) 603-1814 or (718) 532-0347






If you have any questions, please call at (480) 788-2524.

















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